Choosing Joy
This is the time of year when we start seeing and hearing the word JOY a lot.
So I’ve been thinking about JOY lately
and whether or not I have it.
I’m asking myself, do I feel true contentment in my heart no matter what’s going on?
Or is my joy related to my circumstances?
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Four years ago this December a wildfire blazed through our town.
Nearly 200 homes in our neighborhood alone were burned to the ground.
The day after the fire had moved on, we were allowed to go back in, but only on foot.
So we were up close and personal to the devastation as we walked up the streets to our home
past house after house that had been reduced to smoldering piles of rubble.
I remember walking up our street and seeing the entrance to our neighbor’s driveway.
They had put their nativity scene up a week or so earlier
like they had done every Christmas for the last 20 years.
They always had a big sign over it that said JOY TO THE WORLD
But this day the manger scene was pile of ashes
and all that was left hanging over it was the part of the sign with the one big word — JOY.
And down their driveway I could see that their house was totally gone.
I looked at that sign and cried.
It seemed like such a sad discrepancy.
So contradictory…
Everything burned to the ground
and that huge sign that said JOY.
But in that moment, in my grief,
it occurred to me
that JOY was exactly what we needed right then.
In the midst of all that destruction, we needed it more than ever!
And we had a choice…
We could choose it!
So ever since that day
I’ve tried to choose JOY
no matter what’s going on in my life.
It’s not always easy and sometimes I let life get the better of me
but the more I practice, the better I’m getting at it.
So what are some ways to truly have JOY in your life?
Here are some that work for me:
Try to focus on the good — with all it’s problems, there’s always something good in life to focus on even if it’s just the fact that you woke up today or you have running water.
Count your blessings — even in the middle of the ‘mess’ you are still very blessed. Make a list of all the things you’re grateful for.
Remember past victories, even the small ones — that job you got, the day you lost 2 pounds, graduating from college…
Find joy in nature — a beautiful sunset, the Fall colors, clouds in the sky, a starry night…
Appreciate the small things — a baby’s smile, a hug from your child, quiet moments with your husband, petting the dog…
Do something for someone else — giving is one of the best ways to find JOY! Watch someone’s child to give them a break, make a meal for someone, volunteer at a local charity event…
Live in the moment — don’t fall into the trap of thinking ‘when I have this or when I do that, then I’ll be happy’. Find contentment in today.
Embrace imperfection — stop comparing yourself to others who seem to have the perfect home, perfect family, perfect job, perfect life. You know that no one really does, right? Behind all that ‘perfection’ is most likely a very normal, imperfect life just like ours.
So my friends
Here’s wishing you
Not only a JOYFUL season ahead
But JOY that lasts
A lifetime
Philippians 4:8