Christmas Storage

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So tell me

Are you a take it all down as soon as it’s over

Kind of person?


Or do you leave Christmas up

Until New Year’s

(Or even later???)

In case you missed it - HERE’s the post on simple Christmas decor

In case you missed it - HERE’s the post on simple Christmas decor

Well, I’m a take it all down as soon as it’s over person.

In fact I’ve been known to take it all down at noon on Christmas Day!

What can I say?

When I’m done, I’m done.

I love getting my house back to normal

(Well as normal as possible in the middle of a reno!)

So today is all about great ideas for things to help you get it all organized and put away.

Here are some great storage ideas I came across


Tired of storing your ornaments in those flimsy packages they come in? You know, the ones with the ripped plastic on top and the crushed sides? I don’t think they really protect them very much…

Here are some great options to get all your ornaments organized and really keep them safe.

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Does your wreath end up stacked on top of the boxes of Christmas decor just to gather a year’s worth of dust until next December?? Is your tree just stuck in the corner of the attic/shed/basement covered in a sheet or dumped in the box it came in and you have to wrestle it down every year? Here are some great options for keeping it all clean and protected and make it easy to transport. I love the ones with the wheels — how easy to just wheel your tree right to where you need it!

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I don’t know anybody who uses Christmas wrap any time other than Christmas. So that means you have to store it for 11 months out of the year. Why not keep it tucked out of the way and out of sight in a great container that was made just for Christmas wrap? Then when December rolls around — you’ve got everything you need right there and you’re ready to wrap!

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Do you spend a lot of time every year untangling that huge Clark Griswold wad of lights that you stuck in a cardboard box or plastic tub? Make your Christmas decorating a joy by storing your lights so they don’t end up in a tangled mess. Come December (or November!) all you’ll need to do is pull out the reel and start stringing them up!

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I don’t know about you but I’m inspired!

Now’s the time to take the time and get everything organized to make next year’s Christmas decorating easy and fun.

Happy un-decorating everyone!

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