My 5 Favorite Ways To Get (And Stay) In Shape

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I love to walk!

All you need is a good pair of shoes and you just head out the door!

And the faster you walk — the more benefit you get.

I walk 3.5 miles, 5 mornings a week. I just walk laps around the block in my neighborhood. To me, it’s not about where I’m going — it’s more about getting the time and the mileage in.

I just turn on my Walkmeter app, pop in my earbuds, turn on my favorite podcast and I barely realize that an hour has passed!

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Working out at home is so easy!

All you need are a few hand weights and a little floor space and you’re good to go


And did you know that as we age, we actually need to work out more than we did when we were younger in order to keep from losing muscle?

Well I want to keep all the muscle I’ve got so I try to work out at least twice a week

And strength training also helps prevent and even reverse bone loss!

There are so many good workout programs out there and I’ve done a lot of them but right now these are my favorites:


These are 3 35-minute sessions of circuit training. And in each session, you can choose Jessica’s higher intensity workout or follow along with her Mom, Debbie for modified, less strenuous exercises

There’s also a little balance training included in these workouts too which is a bonus!

Maybe you have an extra bedroom or a space in your basement that you could set up for your workouts. I have a space in my office that’s set up for my workouts but you really don’t need a dedicated space — for years I just did it in the living room in front of the TV!

Be sure to eat or drink protein right after you work out. It helps your body develop muscle tissue.


I just mix a scoop of protein powder into a small glass of milk, drink it down and I’m good to go!

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Stretching is a great way to get in shape!

Of course there’s always yoga, but my favorite way to stretch is:



These amazing workouts combine movements from ballet, Pilates and yoga to build strength, flexibility and balance. And believe me — they are a workout!

The thing about walking and working out to get in shape is you have to be consistent. I schedule the time every day and stick to my schedule. I exercise in the morning because that’s the way I like to start my day and I’m usually too tired to do it at the end of the day.


I love water! To me, there’s nothing like a glass of cold water to quench my thirst!

And did you know that drinking water actually helps you burn more calories?? Who knew??

Except for an occasional glass of milk, I don’t drink anything but water. I always have water next to me wherever I am. I take a bottle of it with me when I walk. I drink it while I’m working out. And I have a glass of water at my desk that I’m constantly refilling all day long. And I drink water with breakfast lunch and dinner.



I try to eat a balanced diet. I drink 2 healthy smoothies a day (see the recipes HERE next to the blender) and I have small-ish portions of breakfast, lunch and dinner. I rarely go back for seconds. I try to eat low fat and I never eat refined sugar. I snack on raw almonds, low-fat string cheese and fat free plain yogurt (with stevia added).

Here are a few tricks to help with portion control:

Drink a glass of water before your meal

Use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate for your meals

Don’t go back for seconds

Put leftovers away ASAP so you’re not tempted to eat more

Don’t eat out of the bag or package — always put the food on a plate and put the bag away before you eat

Read the package to see what a portion size is and take 1/2 or 2/3 of it (I do this with chips — they are my weakness! So if the bag says that 14 chips are a serving, I put 7 chips on my plate and put the bag away)

Here’s my favorite tip for portion control: When you go to a restaurant, as soon as the server brings you your food — ask for a to go box. Before you even take a bite, put half of your meal in the box and close it up and take it home for another meal. Works every time!

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The thing about getting and staying in shape is that it’s not a sprint

It’s a marathon

But it’s definitely one well worth running!


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