Simple Painting Ideas And Painting Spiders

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By now you probably know that I like to paint stuff —

As far as I’m concerned, just about everything is fair game for a good coat of paint.

And over the years I’ve painted lots of things you’d expect to be painted.

Here are some simple painting ideas:


Pin for laterGet more before and after painted furniture ideas HERE. See the post about classic wainscot versus shiplap HERE.

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Get more before and after painted furniture ideas HERE.

See the post about classic wainscot versus shiplap HERE.

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Get candle burning tips HERE

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Pin for laterGet tips for decorating the bed with pillows HERE

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Get tips for decorating the bed with pillows HERE

Mirror frames…

Pin for laterSee the post on this DIY Painted Mirror Frame HERE

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See the post on this DIY Painted Mirror Frame HERE

And Accessories

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And I’ve also painted a few unexpected things like leather boots (remember Zodiac boots??), metal railings, light fixtures, decorative tree branches, lamp shades

And books

Pin for laterSee the post on Painting Books HERE

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See the post on Painting Books HERE

But the weirdest thing I’ve ever painted was a BLACK WIDOW SPIDER


Well, okay — Mr. Redoux actually painted it

But I was an unwitting accomplice…

We were building our house in Northern California

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And we were painting the exterior

It was the middle of July and 95 degrees in the shade. But of course, we weren’t in the shade — we were standing on that black roof in the blazing hot sun!

People driving by were getting quite a look at these two crazy people on the roof with our paint hoods and wet rags tied around our heads trying to keep cool.

We looked like some kind of Paint Ninjas…

When we got to the back of the house where the gable end is about two and a half stories high, Mr. Redoux was 25 feet up on the extension ladder and told me to hold on to the bottom of it and keep it steady.

Like I was going to be able to hold that ladder and save him if it started to fall??!

Well there he was up in the peak of the gable spraying paint on the siding when he calls down to me ‘Hey! I just painted a black widow and it’s kinda mad’.

So I looked up and here comes this huge black widow, no longer black but now totally painted Benjamin Moore Sag Harbor Gray!

And he was right — she was a little upset…

You’ve heard the expression ‘madder than a wet hen’?

Well, I think they should change it to ‘madder than a painted spider’.

And now this mad, painted spider is hanging by her thread from the paint hose and dangling right at my head.

And every time Mr. Redoux pulls the trigger on the sprayer, the hose jerks which sends her bouncing right in front of my face.

Her legs were splayed straight out and she kept twitching them at me with every jerk of that hose.

And the whole time Mr. Redoux keeps hollering down to me, ‘whatever you do, don’t let go of the ladder!’

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Now I’m here to tell you

That, despite looking straight at that nasty, Sag Harbor Gray, spitting-nails-mad black widow dangling and bouncing right in my face…

I did not let go of that ladder

I held on tight

I stayed the course

And I kept that ladder steady…

So hey, I guess I really am a Paint Ninja!

But I did yell ‘HURRY UP!!’ ‘HURRY UP!!’ a lot…

Anyway, I don’t think she could’ve bitten me because I’m pretty sure her mouth was painted shut…


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